Time Card Adjustments

Apply Time Card Adjustments using the TAeEdit Structure. Adjustments are made using the Access Account for authentication. The AccountCode in the TAeEdit Structure is ignored when writing data. It is used only to return the AccountCode when retrieving previous adjustments.

Credit Employee Pay Designation Hours

Within the TAeEdit structure, populate the following minimum fields

Field Description
EmpID or Filekey Employee EmpID or Filekey fields (to identify the employee)
EditType Set Edit Type 2 (Credit Pay Designation)
EffDate This date will indicate when the adjustment is effective
EffTime This time will indicate when the adjustment is effective
Hours Amount of hours represented in minutes (ie 240 is 4:00 hours)
PayDesID Identifier of known hours typed Pay Designation

Optional Fields

Field Description
EditRate Override Rate of Pay
EditWG1…EditWG7 Override changed workgroup
ReasonCodeID Reason code applied to this adjustment

Credit Employee Pay Designation Dollars

Within the TAeEdit structure, populate the following minimum fields

Field Description
EmpID or Filekey Employee EmpID or Filekey fields (to identify the employee)
EditType Set Edit Type 2 (Credit Pay Designation)
EffDate This date will indicate when the adjustment is effective
EffTime This time will indicate when the adjustment is effective
Dollars Amount of dollars
PayDesID Identifier of known dollars typed Pay Designation

Optional Fields

Field Description
EditWG1…EditWG7 Override charged Workgroup
ReasonCodeID Reason Code applied to this adjustment

Key Concepts