TAePayrollEmployee() Structure

Field Data Type Description Notes
ActiveStatus TAePayrollActiveStatusEnum Determines employee active status (active or terminated) condition. Use “skip” when: Value is unknown, no change to current assignment is desired or setting is managed within the system
AutoApply TAePayrollACAAutoApplyOptions Auto Apply PPACA Full Time Recommendation. Use “skip” when: Value is unknown, no change to current assignment is desired or setting is managed within the system and not externally
Badge String Employee badge number. If unknown, set to “-1” or “Auto” 1,2
ControlGroup String Employee’s assigned control group category. If blank, system will assign employee to default Control Group. If value given is unknown, a new Control Group is created
DateOfHire String Employee date of hire. If blank, system will assign date employee is added
Department String Employee department assignment
EmpID String Employee ID 4
FirstName String Employee first name
HourlyStatusType TAePayrollHourlyStatusOptions Determines employee full time (or part time) status. Note: This is not the Full Time Status used for stability periods. Use “Skip” when value is unknow, no change to current assignment is desired or setting is managed within the system and not externally
Initial String Employee middle initial
LastName String Employee last name. If empty on add, it will be populated with the Employee ID. If empty on edit, no changes are made
NoReview TAePayrollACANoReviewOptions PPACA Permanent full time assignment. Use “Skip” when the value is unknown, no change to current assignment is desired or setting is managed within the system and not externally 5
PayClass String Employee pay class. If value given is not known to system a new pay class with this name will be generated
PayType TAePayrollPayTypeOptions Determines employee hourly or salaried condition. Use “skip” when the value is unknown, no change to current assignment is desired or setting is managed within the system and not externally
Seasonal TAePayrollACASeasonalOptions PPACA employee seasonal designation. Use “skip” when the value is unknown, no change to current assignment is desired or setting is managed within the system and not externally 6
StartofService String Employee PPACA start of service date. In most cases the date is not required. System will set it automatically once the employee starts accumulating service hours 3


  1. System will assign a new badge number on add; maintain existing badge number on edit
  2. Not specifying this field as ASCII import causes the system to operate in “Auto” badge management mode
  3. yyyy-mm-dd format
  4. Only field that is required
  5. Setting an employee to epnrPermFT will classify the employee as receiving PPACQA Full Time Status even when the employee has not collected sufficient service hours in a measurement period
  6. Setting this value to epsSeasonal will tag the employee as a seasonal employee

Methods Referencing Structure


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