TAeEmployeeDetail2() Structure

Field Data Type Description Notes
Active Status Integer Employee active status 1, 22
ActiveStatusConditionEffDate String Effective date ActiveStatusCondition was set 2
ActiveStatusConditionID Integer Employee active status identifier 3, 12
Address1 String Employee address line 1
Address2 String Employee address line 2
Address3 String Employee address line 3
AddressCity String Employee city
AddressStateProv String Employee state or province abbreviation
AddressZIPPC String Employee zip code or postal code
AvgWeeklyHrs Integer Average hours employee works per week (in minutes)
Badge Integer Employee badge number
BirthDate String Employee birth date 2
ClockGroupID Integer Clock group identifier 4
CurrentRate Double Employee rate of pay
CurrentRateEffDate String Date pay rate became effective 2
DateOfHire String Employee date of hire 2
EMAIL String Employee email address 17
EmergencyContact String Emergency contact information
EmpID String Employee ID (unique) 12
EmpName String Employee full name 13
ESSPIN String Employee ESS PIN identifier 18
Filekey Integer AoD unique identifier 14
FirstName String Employee first name 12
HourlyStatusEffDate String Date hourly status became effective 2
HourlyStatusID Integer Hourly status identifier 5
InactiveStatusConditionID Integer Inactive status identifier 6, 22
Initial String Employee middle name initial
LastName String Employee last name 12
ObservesDST Integer Corresponds to Daylight Savings Not Observed checkbox in Employee Personal Information 19
PayClassEffDate String Date pay class became effective 2, 11
PayClassID Integer Pay class identifier 7
PayTypeEffDate String Date pay type became effective 2
PayTypeID Integer Pay type identifier 8
Phone1 String Employee primary phone number
Phone2 String Employee secondary phone number
SchPatternEffDate String Date schedule pattern became effective 2
SchPatternID Integer Schedule pattern identifier 9, 10
SpareInt1 Integer Spare integer field 23
SpareStr1 String Spare string field 23
SSN String Employee SSN 21
StaticCustom1 String Custom field used to store any other pertinent employee information
StaticCustom2 String Custom field used to store any other pertinent employee information
StaticCustom3 String Custom field used to store any other pertinent employee information
StaticCustom4 String Custom field used to store any other pertinent employee information
StaticCustom5 String Custom field used to store any other pertinent employee information
StaticCustom6 String Custom field used to store any other pertinent employee information
TimeZoneOffset Integer Indicates the employee’s home time zone in relation to the company’s time zone 20
UnionCode String Employee union code
WG1 Integer Employee workgroup level 1 identifier 12
WG2 Integer Employee workgroup level 2 identifier 12
WG3 Integer Employee workgroup level 3 identifier 12
WG4 Integer Employee workgroup level 4 identifier 15
WG5 Integer Employee workgroup level 5 identifier 15
WG6 Integer Employee workgroup level 6 identifier 15
WG7 Integer Employee workgroup level 7 identifier 15
WGDescr String Workgroup description 16
WGEffDate String Date employee workgroup became effective 2


  1. 0 = Active, 1 = Inactive
  2. yyyy-mm-dd format
  3. Use getActiveStatusConditions to retrieve a list of Active Status ID’s and values
  4. Use getClockGroupsSimple to retrieve a list of Clock Group ID’s and values
  5. Use getHourlyStatusTypesSimple to retrieve a list of Hourly Status ID’s and values
  6. Use getInactiveStatusConditions to retrieve a list of Inactive Status Condition ID’s and values
  7. Use getPayClassesSimple to retrieve a list of Pay Class ID’s and values
  8. Use getPayTypes to retrieve a list of Pay Type ID’s and values
  9. Use getSchedulePatternsSimple to retrieve a list of Schedule Pattern ID’s and values
  10. Zero value = No assigned schedule pattern
  11. Attempting to change it to anything sooner than the first date of the previous pay period will automatically change it to the first date of the previous pay period
  12. Required when adding a new employee
  13. Last, first, middle format
  14. Unique identifier to AoD. Read only
  15. Required, but can use default of 0
  16. Usually a string representation of the employee’s first three workgroups
  17. 80 characters max
  18. Must be a valid numeric integer value
  19. 0 = Yes, 1 = No, -1 = Skip
  20. Value within range of -5 to 5. Set value to 255 to skip
  21. DO NOT include the dashes
  22. If terminating an employee, you must set the InactiveStatusConditionID to a valid value
  23. Currently not used


Methods Referencing Structure
