TAeESSPreAuthPackage() Structure

Field Data Type Description Notes
EmpID String Employee identifier 2
ExcludeClock Boolean If true, excludes the clock from the ESS header 1
ExcludeCommands Boolean If true, excludes the “Change PIN” and “Logoff” commands from the ESS header 1
ExcludeEmpName Boolean If true, excludes the Employee Name from the ESS header 1
ExcludeImage Boolean If true, excludes the vendor image from the ESS header 1
Filekey Integer Employee filekey 2
HideWholeHeader Boolean If true, ESS header is hidden along with the “Exclude” values here 1
SubIFrame String The URL of a subframe emanation from the partner’s server. If present, the AE_HeadFrame query string parameter is added to the resulting URL 1


  1. Optional field
  2. EmpID or Filekey must be set to identify the employee

Methods Referencing Strucutre
