TAeEmpBenefitActivity Structure

Field Data Type Description Notes
All TAeEmployeeBasic Fields TAeEmployeeBasic Inherits Fields from TAeEmployeeBasic
Abb String Abbreviation of Descr
BalanceDollars Double Benefit balance amount if a dollars based benefit bank
BalanceHours Integer Benefit balance in minutes
BalanceHoursHund Double Benefit balance in hours
BenefitID Integer Benefit Identifier 1
Category String Description of type of event occurring 2
CreditDollars Double Credit amount if a dollars based benefit bank
CreditHours Integer Credit amount in minutes
CreditHoursHund Double Credit amount in hours
DebitDollars Double Debit amount if a dollar based benefit bank
DebitHours Integer Debit amount in minutes
DebitHoursHund Double Debit amount in hours
Descr String Description of benefit activity
EventDate String Description of benefit activity 3
IsHours Boolean Is this activity hours related (as opposed to dollars)
LastInGroup Boolean Internal use


  1. Use getBenefitsSimple to retrieve a list of benefit ID’s and values
  2. Either set balance, debit or credit
  3. yyyy-mm-dd format


Methods Referencing Structure
