
The Learning Center provides help in the form of printable job aids, educational white papers, and short, video-based training sessions. You can browse titles grouped by the topics listed in the menu or search by subject or key word through all titles in the learning center.

The training materials use a typical interface configuration. Your system may look somewhat different based on your customization.

Overview topics include:

  • Recommendations for Getting Started
  • Time and Attendance Concepts
  • Understanding Dashboards and Navigation
  • Recommendations for Getting Started

    Title Type Description
    Locating an Employee Describes how to use the employee icon or the Locate Employee link in the menu to search for an employee by name or by workgroup name, number, or code.


    Time and Attendance Concepts

    Title Type Description
    Normal, Scheduled, and Estimated Time Cards Different views used to review time card information.
    Using Group Schedules to Facilitate Efficient Scheduling Group schedules allow for efficient scheduling.
    Using Year to Date History to Facilitate Performance Evaluations Employee Year to Date history information makes it easy to review employee attendance behavior.


    Understanding Dashboards and Navigation

    Title Type Description
    Payroll Manager Dashboard Dashboard used by payroll managers to review labor allocation and critical employee issues. Presents the pay designation percentage chart, overtime summary, number of employees meeting specific criteria, and so on.
    Payroll Monitor View used by payroll managers to review critical employee issues before submitting payroll.
    Calendar Dashboard Dashboard used by supervisors to view employees grouped by exception and employee schedules.
    Schedules This Month Calendar view of employee schedules. Presents scheduling number, such as the number of schedules, the number of planned absences, or the number of unscheduled absences.
    Group Schedule Reviewing employees’ schedules for a specific day is easy using the group schedule.
    Leave Approval View View that allows supervisors to approve or deny employees’ leave requests.
    Pending Leave Requests View View that displays a graphical representation of the leave requests that are pending, allowing the supervisor to sort by seniority, date requested, and so on.
    Reviewing Leave Requests Manage employees’ leave requests.
    Viewing Employees Running Late or Absent Today Employees Running Late or Absent Today can be displayed as a gauge on the dashboard.
    Viewing the Sum of Supervisor or Employee Edits The number of employees based on the types of supervisor or employee edits can be displayed as a gauge on the dashboard.