Scheduling Employees


You can view, create, and change schedules for a single employee or for groups of employees by the day, week, month, or custom time period.

Scheduling Employees

Title Type Description
Adding a Quick Schedule Adding an often-used schedule for an employee.
Employee Schedule About the employee schedule view (single employee schedule, not group schedule).
Employee Schedules Describes how to use the group schedule to review and modify schedules for multiple employees.
Schedules This Month Calendar view of employee schedules.
Adding a Schedule Adding a new schedule, such as flex schedule, absence planned schedule, common schedule, or quick schedule for the employee.
Adding or Replacing Schedules for a Group of Employees Scheduling or rescheduling a group of employees simultaneously.
Changing an Employee’s Scheduled Start or End Time Changing the employee’s scheduled start or end time.
Duplicating Schedules Copying schedules from one week to the next week.
Scheduling Employee for a Day or Week Off (Unpaid) Removing all schedules from a day or week, indicating the employee is not working that day or week.

Using Schedule Patterns

Title Type Description
Adding a New Schedule to the Schedule Pattern Adding a schedule to the schedule pattern.
Adding a New Schedule Pattern Adding a schedule pattern.
Assigning Employees to Schedule Patterns How to assign an employee to a predefined schedule pattern to simplify employee schedules.
Assigning Employees to a Personal Schedule Pattern Explains how to assign an employee to an employee personal schedule pattern, which is used when employees work a repeating schedule that is unique to them.
Applying a Personal Schedule Pattern to Employee Schedules Describes applying the personal schedule pattern against the employee schedules.
Removing a Schedule Pattern Removing a schedule pattern. In order to remove a schedule pattern, no employees must be assigned to it.
Removing a Schedule from the Schedule Pattern Removing a schedule from the schedule pattern.
Reapplying the Schedule Pattern Applying the schedule pattern against the employees.
Modifying the Name or Description of the Schedule Pattern Changing the name or description of the schedule pattern.
Viewing Employees Assigned to a Schedule Pattern Reviewing the employees assigned to a schedule pattern.
Changing Properties of the Schedule Pattern Changing properties of the schedule pattern, such as the length of the schedule pattern.