Account and System Settings

The account page allows you to view and modify information about your user accounts. Depending on system setup, you may see recent adjustment activity, employee access rights, and recent supervisor adjustments.

User Account Settings and Preferences

Title Type Description
Changing Password How to change the password of a user account.
Defining Employee Access Rights How to define the employees that a user can access.
Changing the Properties of a User Account How to change the properties of a user account. You select your account name, whether to view workgroup names, numbers or codes, as well as your locality.
Account Describes what you can do using the account view, such as setting properties and preferences, and creating private workgroups.
Understanding User Accounts Helps payroll managers to understand user accounts.
Changing the Way Information is Displayed How to change the preferences of a user account. You select how to view times and dates.
Changing the Way Information is Displayed How to change the preferences of a user account. You select how to view times and dates.
Using Workgroup (WG) Sets Adding and removing workgroup sets. Workgroup sets allow you or another user to view or edit employee information for employees in one or more workgroups. This is helpful for larger organizations where supervisors have to look at employee information for groups larger than the workgroup.
Removing User Account Removing a user account from the system.
Managing Ad Hoc Notification Recipient Lists Ad Hoc Notification Recipient Lists are lists of employees maintained on a per user basis with properties to indicate desired notification status. Each operator/user has their own list of employees and each operator/user can designate which employees they wish to receive notification from..
Managing Crew Crew is a list of employees unique to the specific user. It is managed on the Accounts page.


System-Wide Settings and Information

Title Type Description
System Setup Describes the system-wide elements a user can view or edit with the correct user rights, for example, adding a workgroup.
Adding or Editing Workgroups Describes how to add or edit workgroups.
Adding New Workgroups How to add a new workgroup at its corresponding workgroup level.
Editing a Workgroup How to edit the properties of an existing workgroup, such as workgroup name or workgroup code.
Adding a Pay Class How to create a new pay class and how to assign the parameter classes, such as Overtime class, Lunch class, Rounding class, and so on to that pay class.
Editing a Pay Class How to edit the properties of an existing pay class and how to edit the parameter classes associated with this pay class, such as Overtime class, Lunch class, Rounding class, and so on.
Editing a Pay Designation How to edit the properties of an existing pay designation, such as type, multiplier, and so on.
Adding a Reason Code How to create a new reason code for performing time card edits.
Adding a Reason Code How to create a new reason code for performing time card edits.
Editing a Reason Code How to edit the properties of an existing reason code, such as the reason code name.
Adding/Editing a Hourly Status Type How to add or edit an hourly status type.
Adding/Editing a Hourly Status Type How to add or edit an hourly status type.
Adding/Editing an Active Status Type How to add or edit an active status type.
Adding/Editing an Active Condition How to add or edit an active condition.
Adding/Editing a Terminated Status Type How to add or edit a terminated status type.
Adding/Editing a Terminated Conditions How to add or edit a terminated condition.
Managing a Web Enabled Time Clock Station How to add, edit or delete a web enabled time clock station.
Managing a Web Enabled Time Clock Station How to add, edit or delete a web enabled time clock station.
Managing Company Holiday How to add or delete a company holiday.
Managing Company Holiday How to add or delete a company holiday.
Managing a Web Enabled Time Clock Station How to add, edit or delete a web enabled time clock station.
Understanding Auto Build Process Auto-Build can be used for creating automatic process times. It means the time or times in which an automatic process execute can vary on a daily basis.
Creating an Automatic Process for Emailing Report Shared or Private Reports can be scheduled and emailed to selected recipients automatically.